There’s gold
out here. If you know
where to look.
After extensive consultation and interest, the Kimba community have identified a suitable site for businesses requiring storage, processing, segregation, bulk freight and other supplementary services. Eyre Hub intends to create the foundation for innovative and progressive business to utilise the facility for their tailor-made purposes.

High Quality
Eyre Peninsula region
produces high quality
grain that is always
in high demand.

Consistent volumes,
diverse commodities.

Storage Solution
Grain needs to be
stored but the
region doesn’t offer many solutions.

Amazing Location
We offer tailored
sites at a strategic
location to service
industry needs.
The Vision
Imagine a state-of-the-art grain storage and transport hub at a highly strategic location in the upper Eyre Peninsula. That’s the vision that is driving the EyreHub project. Designed for industrial, commercial, transport and other tenants to service Kimba and the upper Eyre Peninsula, the project represents a significant opportunity for tailored and dedicated facilities. It also provides the ability to capture varietal and superior quality grades of grain — a focus largely overlooked in the region for some time.

Grain Storage
State of the art facilities aimed at correcting the current lack of storage in the region

Processing Segregation
Ability to capture varietal and superior quality grades of grain – a focus largely overlooked in the region for some time

Transport Hub
Perfectly positioned to service grain-based and diverse general freight along National Highway 1, as well as within the Eyre region
The Appeal

High Quality Product
Access to consistently grown, high-protein cereals and speciality legumes, as well as vast quantities of quality grain

Single Site
One stop for businesses requiring storage, processing, segregation, bulk freight and other supplementary services

Market Gap
Redundancy of old storages and facilities, plus the need for common services across industries presents an untapped opportunity for such a site

Multiple Audiences
Designed for industrial, commercial and other tenants to co-locate and share common services that are mutually beneficial

Integrated Facilities
Truck parking bay with facilities such as truck servicing, showering, lunchroom, re-fuelling, automated weighing and a truck wash

Incredible Location
Strategically positioned off National Highway 1 and connecting the Eyre Peninsula to the eastern and western freight routes